A Unique New Option for Financed App Development. #StartUps - The Entrepreneurial Way with A.I.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Unique New Option for Financed App Development. #StartUps

The development of new applications is a large and growing slice of the total new business development market. Traditionally, people with revolutionary app ideas are forced to choose between two disquieting options.

If they have grit, they can develop their new application themselves, personally shouldering all the technical and financial difficulties endemic to the development process. Alternatively, they could chose to sell their idea on, entirely, or in pieces, through equity partners who take on development duties for partial ownership of any profits.

Financed.dev was founded to provide new app developers a third and more paetable option. This unique development shop allows people with new app ideas to build the application immediately, while paying for it over time, with a structured payment plan.

In this manner, they allow entrepreneurs to keep control over all their own IP and Equity, while building out to profitability as fast as any equity-demanding incubator. Financed.dev was developed by two CTOs, Max Katz and Tim Hunold, who bring over 40 years of development experience with companies like Disney, IBM, IMAX and Google to the table.

In addition to financed development of new applications, they offer a variety of targeted services designed to make business and application development easy for customers in various states of business completion.

Financed.dev is comfortable commencing app creation with new clients for just a 20% downpayment, with zero interest charges, for up to three years. For entrepreneurs in need of zero-cost financing, Tim and Max have developed a working relationship with experts at Spectrum Capital Pros, who are willing to examine equity participation in new ideas in exchange for financed development.

The upshot of this is that if you have a good idea for a game-changing new app, you can work with Financed.dev to secure up to $750,000 worth of paid development, while putting down none of your own money (and wasting none of your own time trying to program the app yourself.)

So, if you’re involved in the app development space, and you have a nascent idea (or an old app in need of a reboot) Financed.dev might just be the key to turning that good idea into a great reality, without any of the large capital outlay traditionally associated with initiating the app development process.

You can find out more about Financed.dev at their website, which can be found at http://financed.dev.


The post A Unique New Option for Financed App Development. appeared first on KillerStartups.

via https://www.AiUpNow.com/ by Owen Ferguson, Khareem Sudlow